Monday, April 22, 2013

Thoughts On DC's The New 52

It sucks.

My Monthly(ish) Comic Pull List

Here are the comics that I am reading on a monthly (-ish) basis for any one who cares.

All New X-Men
X-men Legacy
Uncanny X-Men
Cable and X-Force (I'm kind of embarrassed by this one but it's good)
Batman (I pick this up sporadically actually)
X-Factor (I actually don't buy this one...but I read it all the time)
Lenore (I get this one when it comes out...whenever that may be)
Invincible (This one got away from me for awhile...but I've been picking it up pretty regularly for the last 6 months or so).

As you can see MARVEL comics makes up the majority of the comics I read.  This hasn't always been the case.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

More Posts Coming Soon...

This blog has kind of sat dormant for quite some time.  Rob and I are still working on comics but real life (jobs, graduate school, bills, etc) have hampered our output.  As a result this blog has become dormant.

However, I think I am going to "fix" that by using this a bit more like my personal blog and include reviews and such about music, movies, tv shows, comics, books, and anything else I feel like writing about (so there is likely to be some science shit in there as well).  I know that isn't the original purpose of this blog.  Don't worry, the original purpose is still there and is still the main reason this exists.

I'm just going to try and entertain people in the interim.  You know, like a bad opening comedian.

See you tomorrow.